because we want a home
Persecuted and forced to flee Iraq by ISIS, Yazidis have sought refuge where they can. Australia offered a home to a few dozen families in rural Wagga Wagga. A special series of television features and a narrative longread for SBS Australia.
A home-between-homes for an Iraqi rapper, Syrian drummer, Pakistani baker and dozens of children trying to hop trucks across the Channel. I visited them in the Calais Jungle before the French tore it down. A set of television features and a correspondent’s diary for SBS Australia.
Northern White rhinos once made their home on the plains of East Africa. Relegated to an extinction park, patrolled by armed guards, only one male remained: Sudan. I profiled his tragic love life for the Sydney Morning Herald, in words and images.
Since Greece’s 2008 slide into crisis, Athenians have scrawled their anger and frustration on the walls of their home city. This the extra-ordinary collaboration documents that conversation.
A microcosm of Johannesburg’s creative community once lived inside a 1929 modernist apartment block, shaped like a giant cruise liner in the suburbs. I wrote about our home for a special edition of the Sunday Times.
After years of war, as thousands returned to South Sudan’s capital, thousands more fled conflict in Blue Nile. I visited camps old and new, documenting life in words and images for Independent Newspapers.